Sustainable Product Responsibilities
As a retail company that has a good reputation, the Company always maintains the safety and the quality of the products offered in accordance with applicable standards and regulations.
The Company performs its responsibility and manifests its commitment to providing excellent services and products to its customers.
In practice, the Company strives to maintain the availability of a wide variety of products, especially the best-selling items to cater for the customers’ growing needs. Meanwhile, the employees endeavour to optimise their assistance and service to the customers with their knowledge of the products.
Since 2020, the Company has launched its vision to be the leading O+O health and beauty retailer in Indonesia. This unique O+O platform strategy is about creating an integrated experience to better serve customers’ needs and enabling them to shop across any channel, anytime and anywhere. It is driven by its intense focus on customer connectivity and agility – a determination to accelerate its digital transformation to strengthen customer interaction across all O+O channels. The Company implements a strict process to ensure the quality of the products offered to customers, so that all products can be used by all customers safely.
Guarantee of product quality offered to all customers is listed on the Trading Terms provision sheet agreed with the supplier. In the initial process, before listing the product, the supplier provides product samples to be checked by the Company so that they are suitable for delivery to the store later. (POJK51-F.17)(POJK51-F.27)[GRI3-3][GRI416-2]
Registration for all new products generally requires supporting documents such as a valid BPOM letter, while MUI documents are required for food and beverage products.
In order for all products to be distributed and sold to customers, the Company ensures that each product is safe to use and has permission from BPOM and MUI. (POJK51-F.28)[GRI3-3][GRI417-2]
The Company continues to strive to develop products and services by conducting research on customer needs and taking advantage of technological advances that can provide optimal benefits for the provision of the Company’s products and services.
As more customers have shifted their preference to cost-effective daily essentials and have become more reliant on online shopping, contactless payments and home delivery, the Company has achieved in enhancing its digital capabilities and implemented its O+O strategies with agility to adapt to the changing needs of its customers.
The Company introduced “Sustainable Choices”, a new section in the stores for products with lower environment impact. These products are made using more sustainable materials (such as recycled or FSC-certified paper) and/or packaging (such as refills or packaging made with recycled plastic content). To make it easier for customers to choose these products, the Company has made this section available on the Watsons mobile app and the website of Watsons. (POJK51-F.5)(POJK51-F.26)
The Company has also continued to adopt new skills, new ways of working and new collaborations with third-party digital platforms to fulfil its commitment to put a smile on our customers’ faces.
During 2023, the Company successfully expanded its product range for customers, opened new O+O channels, expanded its HDE service to three new cities namely Medan, Makassar and Samarinda and launched a new G9 concept store at Pondok Indah Mall 2, Jakarta.
The Company also opened seven new stores, including three community pharmacies in residential areas, to provide customers easier access to its stores. By expanding its offline stores and improving online channels, customers now have the convenience of shopping comfortably near their homes or through their preferred channels.
The Company also continued its commitment to innovation by providing a personalised shopping experience, especially in strengthening its O+O strategy. At its 17th anniversary celebration held at Kelapa Gading 3 Mall, North Jakarta, Watsons announced the expansion of its HDE service to three new cities (Medan, Makassar and Samarinda).
In collaboration with leading and trusted delivery service providers in Indonesia, HDE orders would be delivered within two hours of ordering to the customer’s home from the nearest Watsons store within a range of up to 600 kilometers.
The HDE service has expanded to cover (1) Medan, which includes areas such as Banda Aceh, Pematang Siantar, Samosir, Sibolga, Tanjung Balai, Pekanbaru, Nias, Padang and surrounding areas; (2) Makassar, which includes areas such as Bone, Gowe, Kendari, Wakatobi, Bau-bau, Kolaka, Buton, Kendar and surrounding areas; and (3) Samarinda, which includes areas such as Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, Palangkaraya, Balikpapan, Bontang, Tarakan and surrounding areas. The HDE service offers more efficient shipping costs of Rp7,000 for Medan, Rp6,000 for Makassar and Rp8,000 for Samarinda.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
To determine the level of customer satisfaction, the Company conducts with all Watsons customers a “Customer Love Score” survey in the form of a link printed on every payment receipt. After the customer fills out the survey once a month, the Company validates the completed survey by matching the customer’s transaction number on the payment receipt. (POJK51-F.30)
The Company also has an email platform at to provide customers with a channel to send their suggestions, complaints or inquiries regarding the Company’s products or services.
Any input received will be handled in a swift and professional manner by the customer service team and/or the relevant business units.
Additionally, the Company has set up a call centre operating during working hours to further enhance communication with its customers.