President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, aged 51, Mrs Wahid was appointed as a President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of the Company in May 2022 pursuant to the resolution of the shareholders of the Company as stipulated under Deed No. 42 dated 13 May 2022 drawn up before Jose Dima Satria, S.H., M.Kn., Notary in Jakarta. She also serves as the Chairperson of the Audit Committee of the Company.
Currently she also serves as a director of the Indonesian GUSDURian Network (appointed since October 2011) and an independent commissioner of PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (appointed since May 2021).
Mrs Wahid is a family psychologist and is known as a social movement and community development activist. Since 2016, she has been involved with various Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia in programs related to people's welfare. In 2019, Mrs Wahid was appointed by the Minister of National Development Planning of Republic Indonesia as the Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals ("SDG") in Indonesia. She is still on SDG duty until today, along with her involvement in supporting grassroots movements and various social organisation, including Nahdlatul Ulama ("NU").
In early January 2022, Mrs Wahid was appointed as one of the first two female Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board Chairs in the history of NU. In January 2022, she also became the Head of Welfare and Culture Division. Previously, she was the first woman on the stage of the NU Congress, as Chair of the Recommendation Commission for the 2021 NU Congress.
She received a Bachelor's degree in Psychology in 1997 and a Master's degree in Professional Psychology in 1999 from Gadjah Mada University, one of the best universities in Indonesia.
Mrs Wahid does not have any affiliation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, or with the controlling and major shareholders.